Warehouse Delivery Instructions
Please try to send to our warehouse only the large items, Items that will not comfortably fit in your home. We strongly suggest taking all the small deliveries to your home.
Deliveries to the warehouse MUST be coordinate with the warehouse at
201-2549477 Ext 104 or by e mail to Warehouse@BestGuyMoving.com
We are open to receive deliveries on Mon – Fri from 10 am to 5 pm.
We accept in the warehouse ONLY items that are ready to ship. Non boxed / unwrapped items will result in extra packing charges.
Please advise the vendors that the items are going to be exported and to make sure packing / wrapping will be appropriate.
The delivery need to be addressed to – BGM C/O YOUR NAME (SHIPPER)
* We get dozens of deliveries A DAY, if your name is not on the package we have to refuse the item.
The delivery address is –
BestGuy Moving – 60 Metro Way Secaucus NJ 07094